Tuesday, May 15, 2012

KSA & Ancestry.com Partnership

Snipped from this site: http://www.kshs.org/ancestry

Click to enlarge

Coming later:
Population Schedules: Counties, 1953-1978
Population Schedules: Cities, 1919-1961
Agricultural Statistical Rolls, ca. 1873-1984
WWI Enlistment and Discharge Records, 1917-1919
United Spanish War Veterans Records, 1898-ca. 1975.
Kansas GAR Post Annual Reports
ATSF Railroad Service Records
Military History Collection; (19th Cavalry & Camp Funston)
City Directories (selected)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


This is a photo of my sister, Denise, and her daughters: Linda Gale, Tressie & Jessica. It was taken in the late 1980's.

I really miss her.

Kandie Denise
1959 - 2008

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Memory Medallion

Last month I installed a Memory Medallion on Mama's headstone at Riverdale Cemetery in Columbus, GA. While I haven't uploaded much to the file I am going through photos and noting things I'd like to share about her.

It is designed to share personal stories, photos, video and additional information. From the Memory Medallion site:
Some see a name on a tombstone. We see the stories, and moments, and accomplishments of a life. Some see a date of birth and death. We see all the stuff that happened in between. This is Memory Medallion®, a way to remember our loved ones like never before.

Using a (free) app, on a smartphone, you can scan the QR code on her headstone and see all that I have shared about her.

If you don't have a smartphone you can see the page at this LINK.

[[ part of what I shared at her funeral]]

I will cherish every day I was blessed to have mama. Her hands tenderly cared for me. Her kisses healed my pain. Her hugs calmed my fears. Her voice was a melody in my ear.

Nothing compares to a mother’s love. It guided me through life in my early years and waited in the wings in my adult years. 

Mama has left us for a little while but her love will always be with us. Close your eyes and open your heart and there you will find her.

I miss you Mama.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New purpose

I have been on a journey that I did not choose. After a year and half of constant long distance travel, I have moved my Daddy to a nursing home where I live. He isn't happy but I must refuse to feel guilty and reassured that he is cared for. With this decision came many tasks...some not yet complete.

While cleaning out his home and workshop I came across this old metal tool box tray. Easily I could have cast it aside but something said "keep me". Upon returning home I quickly found its new purpose as a feeder in my garden. If you know me...you know how I love my gardens and feeding the birds that visit my yard.

I have placed it on a bench across the yard. When I look over at it I am reminded of the many tools Daddy owned that allowed him to do his work. He took great pride in his work and this small piece is a tangible link to that time long past.