Friday, April 20, 2012

Memory Medallion

Several months ago I won a Memory Medallion on Facebook. Last week I installed it on my Mama's headstone. I haven't added much to the online file yet, but have plans to do so soon.

Here is what it looks like:

I am preparing a post about the installation. Until then, you can scan the photo above and see what I have online. I use a Droid X2 and downloaded the i-nigma app to scan QR codes.

You can find out more on Memory Medallion by visiting its website.


  1. What a nice gesture to honor your mother, Gale. I have one for my dad, but he's still very much alive. I'm building his page slowly), then plan to get one for my mom too. I visited with Glenn Toothman and Candace Buchanan at RootsTech last Feb. and found them to be just wonderful people. They have such a great product here. Now I'm going to scan your code and have a look at your tribute to your mother.

    1. Thanks. I'm hoping we do one for my father in law this year.


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